Prof. Arun Kumar

Official webpage

Research Interest: Fiber and Integrated Optic Devices, Plasmonic Waveguides and Applications.

Prof. Arun Kumar has been deeply involved with:

  • The technology of fabricating low loss Single Mode Fiber Coupler Half Blocks and in line fiber optic components (a) tunable directional coupler (b) mode splitter.
  • Fiber Optic Educational Kit for Hands on experience in Fiber Optics. The know how of this kit has now been transferred to the company HARTRON of Haryana State Government under the agenies of FITT IIT Delhi.
  • The Fiber Optics Laboratory for characterisation of optical fibers and fabrication and characterisation of in line fiber optic components.

Visiting Positions Abroad:

  1. Oct 1-Nov 7, 2010 : Visiting Scientist at Ecole Polytechinique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
  2. Aug 1-Sep 30, 2010 : Visiting Scientist at University of Quebec, Ottawa, Gatineau, QC, Canada
  3. June 1 – July 31, 2010 : Visiting Scientist at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
  4. May 18 – July 2, 2009 : Visiting Scientist at University of Jean Monnet, St. Etienne, France
  5. MAY 23-JULY 25, 2007 : Visiting Scientist at University of Jean Monnet, St. Etienne, France
  6. MAY 22-JULY 8, 2006 : Visiting Scientist at University of Jean Monnet, St. Etienne, France
  7. JUNE 1-JULY 31, 2004 : Visiting Scientist at University of Jean Monnet, St. Etienne, France
  8. JULY- DEC, 2002 : Visiting Research Fellow at CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville Alabama, USA.
  9. MAY 10-JULY 31, 1999: Visiting Scientist at University of Jean Monnet, St. Etienne, France
  10. JUNE 18-JULY 3, 1996 : Visiting Scientist at University of Nice, Nice, FRANCE
  11. MAY-JULY 1994 : Guest Scientist at N.I.S.T. Boulder, Colorado, USA
  12. JAN-DEC 1993 : Guest Scientist at N.I.S.T., Boulder, Colorado, USA awarded Fulbright Travel Grant for this visit.
  13. MAY-JULY 1990 : Deputed to UK under the Senior Visitor’s program.
  14. FEB-DEC 1988 : Deputed to Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK.
  15. AUG 1980-JULY 1981 : Guest Scientist at Technical University, Hamburg-Harburg, West Germany.

Honours and Recognition:

-Humboldt Fellowship : I was awarded the prestigeous research fellowship of Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation of West Germany during the period August 1980 July 1981.

-INSA Research Fellowship :I was awarded the INSA Research Fellowship for 3 years (1990 92). This is awarded to “scientists below 40 years in recognition of outstanding contributions made in any branch of Science or Technology coming within the perview of the Academy”.

-Kumar’s Method:The perturbation method for the analysis of Rectangular-core waveguides developed by us (Optics Letters , 8, pp.63 65 January 1983) is now reffered as Kumar’s Method (see the book ‘Fundamentals of optical waveguides” by K. Okamota, Academic Press, N York, 2000).


Supervised following Sponsored projects sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India,

  • “R & D in Fiber Optic Modal Sensors”(2000-2002) with a budget of Rs. 11.96 Lakhs. (Principal Investigator)
  • “Laboratory Modernisation in Photonics and Communications”,(2004-06) with a budget of Rs. 20.00 Lakhs. (Principal Investigator)
  • “R & D on Side-Polished Fiber Based Devices”,(2004-07) with a budget of Rs. 13.4 Lakhs. (Co-Principal Investigator)
  • “Novel Fiber Optic Gratings based Sensors”,(2005-08). (Co-Principal Investigator)

Papers Reprinted:

(i) The paper “Effect of Axial Refractive Index Dip on Zero Total Dispersion Wavelength,” by B.P. Pal, Arun Kumar and A.K. Ghatak (ElectronicsLetters, 16, pp 505 507, 1980) has been reprinted in Progress in Optical Communication, Ed. P.J.B. Clarricoats, Vol. II, IEE Press, 1983.

(ii) The paper “Modeling of Nanoscale Rectangular Hole in a real Metal,” by Arun Kumar and Triranjita Srivastava, Optics Letters, 15, pp 333-336, 2008 has been reprinted in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology March 24, 2008 issue.

(iii) The paper “A Novel Design For Bragg Grating Based Biochemical Sensor Using Sub-Micron Si/SIO2 Waveguides For Lab-On-A-Chip Applications,” S. M. Tripathi, Arun Kumar, E. Marin, and J.P.Meunier, Applied Optics, vol. 48, No. 23, pp 4562- 4567, 2009, has been reprimented in Virtual Journal For Biomedical Optics,Vol. 4,issue 10, 2009.

(IV) The paper “Refractive Index Sensing Characteristics Of Dual Resonance Long Period Gratings In Bare And Metal-Coated D-Shaped Fibers,” Saurabh Mani Tripathi, Emmanuel Marin, Arun Kumar, and Jean-Pierre Meunier, Appl. Opt., vol. 48, No. 31, pp G53-G47, 2009, has been reprimented in Virtual Journal For Biomedical Optics,Vol. 4 issue 13, 2009 .

RESEARCH PAPERS (In Scientific Journals):

  1. Arun Kumar, K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak, “Modes In Inhomogeneous Slab Waveguides,” IEEE J. Quantum Electronics (USA), QE 10, 902 904, December 1974.
  2. M.S.Sodha, S.C. Kaushik and Arun Kumar, “Steady State And Transient Self Interaction Of A Laser Beam In A Strongly Ionized Moving Plasma” Applied Physics (W. Germany), 7, 187 193, 1975.
  3. A.K. Ghatak, I.C. Goyal and Arun Kumar, “Propagation Of A Gaussian Pulse Through An Optical Fiber: Applicability Of Geometrical Optics” Applied Optics (USA), 14, 2330 2332, October 1975.
  4. Arun Kumar, I.C. Goyal and A.K. Ghatak, “Effect Of Curvature On Dispersion In Multimode Parabolic Index Fibers” Optica Acta (UK), 22, 947 953, November, 1975.
  5. I.C. Goyal,Arun Kumar, A.K. Ghatak, “Calculation Of Bandwidth Of Optical Fibers From Experiments On Dispersion Measurements” Arun Kumar and Optical and Quantum Electronics (UK), 8, 80 82 January 1976.
  6. Arun Kumar, and A.K. Ghatak, “Perturbation Theory To Study The Guided Propagation Through Claded Parabolic Index Fibers” Optica Acta (UK), 23, 413 419, May 1976.
  7. I.C. Goyal, Arun Kumar, Anurag Sharma and A.K. Ghatak, “Stiles Crawford Effect: An Inhomogeneous Waveguide Model For Human Cone Receptor” Optik (W. Germany), 49, 39 49, October 1977..
  8. E. Khullar, Arun Kumar, A.K. Ghatak and B.P. Pal, “Effect Of The Refractive Index Dip On The Propagation Characteristics Of Step Index And Graded Index Fibers” Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 23, 263 267, Nov. 1977.
  9. E. Khullar, Arun Kumar, I.C. Goyal and A.K. Ghatak, “Propagation Characteristics Of Near Square Law Optical Fibers A Perturbation Analysis” Optik (W.Germany), 50, 111 120, March 1978.
  10. Arun Kumar, R.Chandra, R.A.Sammut and A.K. Ghatak, “Cutoff Frequencies Of A Parabolic Core W Type Fiber” Elect. Letters (UK), 14, 676 678, Sept. 1978.
  11. Arun Kumar, “On The Stability Of Model Patterns With Respect To Wavelength In Human Retinal Receptors” Optica Acta (UK), 25, 1005 1008, October 1978.
  12. Arun Kumar, and E. Khullar, “A Perturbation Analysis For Modes In Diffused Waveguides With A Gaussian Profile” Optics Communications (Netherlands), 27, 349 352, December 1978.
  13. M.S. Sodha, Arun Kumar, I.C. Goyal and A.K. Ghatak, “Sound Wave Propagation In Cylindrical Inhomogeneous Waveguides” Acustica (W.Germany), 41, 232 237, January 1979.
  14. R. Chandra and Arun Kumar, “Graded Core W Type Fiber And Its Propagation Characteristics” Optica Acta (UK), 26, 899 907, July 1979.
  15. B. P. Pal, Arun Kumar and A.K. Ghatak, “Effect Of Axial Refractive Index Dip On Zero Total Dispersion Wavelength In Single Mode Fibers,” Electronics Letters (UK), 16, 505 507, June 1980.
  16. M.S. Sodha, I.C. Goyal, A.K. Ghatak, Arun Kumar, and M.A.S. Malik, “Periodic Heat Transfer To An Infinite Cylindrical Cavity In Ground Having Air At Constant Temperature” Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy, Part A (India) 46, 167 175, 1980.
  17. Enakshi Khullar, Arun Kumar Anurag Sharma, I.C. Goyal and A.K. Ghatak, “Modes In Buried Planar Optical Waveguides With Graded Index Profiles” Optical and Quantum Electronics (USA), 13, 109 115, March 1981.
  18. Arun Kumar S.I. Hosain and A.K. Ghatak, “Propagation Characteristics Of Weakly Guiding Lossy Fibers: An Exact And Perturbation Analysis” Optica Acta (UK), 28, 559 566, April 1981.
  19. K. Thyagarajan, Arun Kumar and I.C. Goyal, “Exact Analysis Of The Evanescent Coupling Between Two Indiffused Optical Waveguides” Applied Optics (USA), 20, 1821 1824, May 1981.
  20. B.P. Pal, Arun Kumar and A.K. Ghatak, “Predicting Dispersion Minimum In A Step Index Monomode Fiber: A Comparison Of The Theoretical Approaches” J. Optical Communications (W.Germany), 2, 97 100, Sept. 1981.
  21. K. Thyagarajan, Arun Kumar and A.K. Ghatak, “Perturbation Analysis Of The Coupling Between Two Cylindrical Parabolic Index Waveguides” Optics Communications (Netherlands), 39, 26 30, Sept. 1981.
  22. Arun Kumar and R. Ulrich, “Birefringence Of Optical Fiber Pressed Into A V Groove,” Optics Letters (USA) 6, 644 646, December 1981.
  23. Arun Kumar, K. Thyagarajan and A. K. Ghatak, “Analysis Of Rectangular Core Dielectric Waveguides: An Accurate Perturbation Approach,” Optics Letters (USA), 8, pp.63 65 January 1983.
  24. Arun Kumar, R. K. Varshney and K. Thyagarajan, “Birefringence Calculations In Elliptical Core Optical Fibers,” Electronics Letters (UK), 20, pp. 112 113, February 1984.
  25. Arun Kumar, T. V. B. Subramanyam, A. D. Sharma, K. Thyagarajan, B. P. Pal and I. C. Goyal, “Novel Refractometer Using A Tapered Optical Fiber,” Electronics Letters (UK), 20, pp.534 535, June 1984.
  26. S. Sarkar, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar “Gaussian Approximation Of The Fundamental Mode In Single Mode Elliptical Core Fibers”. Optics Communications (Netherlands), 49, pp.178 183, March 1984.
  27. Arun Kumar, R.K. Varshney, “Propagation Characteristics Of Highly Elliptical Core Optical Waveguides: A Perturbation Approach” Optical and Quantum Electronics (UK), 16, pp.349 354, July 1984.
  28. Arun Kumar, M.R. Shenoy and K. Thyagarajan, “Modes In Anisotropic Rectangular Waveguides: An Accurate And Simple Perturbation Approach”IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT 32, (USA), pp.1415 18, October, 1984.
  29. R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “Effect Of Depressed Inner Cladding On The Polarization Characteristics Of Elliptical Core Fibers”Optics Letters (USA), 9, pp.522 524, Nov.1984.
  30. Arun Kumar, A. N. Kaul and A. K. Ghatak, “Prediction Of Coupling Length In A Rectangular Core Directional Coupler: An Accurate Analysis,” Optics Letters (USA), 10, p.86 88, February 1985.
  31. S. Sarkar, Arun Kumar, I.C. Goyal, E.K. Sharma, and R.N. Tewari, “On Microbending Loss Calculations In Single Mode Fibers With Arbitrary Index Profiles” Optics Communications (Netherlands), 53, pp.91 94, February 1985.
  32. A.K. Ghatak, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarajan, “Energy Levels Of A Finite Step Three Dimensional Potential Box: A Perturbation Approach” American Journal of Phys (USA), 53, p.567 569, June 1985.
  33. A.N. Kaul, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar, “Coupling Characteristics Of A Three Channel Waveguide Directional Coupler” Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 56, pp.95 99, Nov. 1985.
  34. R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “Birefringence Calculations In Side Tunnel Optical Fibers: A Rectangular Core Waveguide Model”Optics Letters (USA), 11, pp. 45 47, January 1986.
  35. R.N. Tewari, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarajan, “An Accurate Analysis Of Directional Couplers Typical Of Electron Beam Writing Technique”Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 58, pp. 95 99, May 1986.
  36. Arun Kumar, and K. Joseph, “A Simple 3db Power Divider For Multimode Fiber Optic Sensors” J. Inst. Electron. Telecom. Engs. 32, pp. 345 346, July 1986.
  37. Arun Kumar, M.R. Shenoy, B.P. Pal and I.C. Goyal, “A Novel Temperature Sensor Using Mercury Cladded Optical Fibers” J. Inst. Electron. Telecom. Engs. (India), 32, pp. 347 348, July 1986.
  38. A.N. Kaul, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarjan, “Calculation Of Relative Single Polarization Bandwidth Of Side Pit Fibers” Electronics Letters (U.K.), 22, pp. 786 787, July 1986.
  39. Arun Kumar, M.R. Shenoy and K. Thyagarajan, “Polarization Characteristics Of Elliptical Core Fibers With Stress Induced Anisotropy” J. Lightwave Techn. (USA), LT 5, pp. 193 198, Febr. 1987.
  40. Arun Kumar, Vineeta Gupta and K. Thyagarajan, “Geometrical Birefringence In Polished And D Shape Optical Fibers” Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 61, pp.195 198, Feb 1987.
  41. Arun Kumar, and R.K. Sinha, “Characterisation Of Single Mode Channel Waveguides From Far Field Measurements” Optics Communications (Netherlands), 62, pp.89 93, July 1987.
  42. A.N. Kaul, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarjan, “Polarization Characteristics Of Side Pit And Side Tunnel Fibers Using The Effective Index Method”J. Lightwave Techn. (USA) LT 5, pp. 1610 1612, Nov. 1987.
  43. R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “A Simple And Accurate Modal Analysis Of Strip Loaded Optical Waveguides With Various Index Profiles” J. Lightwave Technology (USA), LT 6, pp. 601 606, April 1988.
  44. Arun Kumar, D.F. Clark and B. Culshaw, “Explanation Of Errors Inherent In The Effective Index Method For Analyzing Rectangular Core Waveguides,” Optics Letters (USA), pp 1129 1131, Dec. 1988.
  45. Arun Kumar, D. F. Clark and B. Culshaw, “Explanation Of Errors Inherent In The Effective Index Method For Analyzing Rectangular Core Waveguides,” Optics Letters (USA), pp 1129 1131, Dec. 1988.
  46. Arun Kumar, R. K. Varshney and R. K. Sinha, “Scalar Modes And Coupling Characteristics Of Eight Port Waveguide Couplers,” J. Lightwave Techn. (USA), 7, pp. 293 296, February 1989.
  47. R.K. Varshney, R.K. Sinha and Arun Kumar, “Coupling Characteristics Of Eight Port Couplers Consisting of Four Waveguides Arranged Rectangularly,” Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 71, pp.46 48, May 1989.
  48. Arun Kumar, Saeed Pilevar and K. Thyagarajan, “Measurements On Variation Of Birefringence With Depth Of Polishing In Elliptic Core Fibers” Optics Commun. (Netherlands), 72, pp.187 189, July 1989.
  49. Arun Kumar, D. Uttamchandani and B. Culshaw, “Relative Transmission Loss Of Te And Tm Like Modes In Metal Coated Coupler Halves,” Electronics Letters (UK), 25, pp 301 302, March 1989.
  50. B.P. Pal, V. Priye, R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “Explanation To Polarisation Dependence Of The Differential Phase Shift In Two Mode Elliptic Core Fiber Strain Gauges” Electronics Letters (UK), 25, pp 1041 42, August 1989.
  51. Arun Kumar, U.K. Das, R.K. Varshney and I.C. Goyal, “Design Of A Mode Filter Consisting Of Two Dual Mode Highly Elliptical Core Fibers”J. Lightwave Techn. (USA), 8, pp 34 38 , Jan. 1990.
  52. R.K. Varshney, Saeed Ghadirli and Arun Kumar, “Calculation Of Channel Separation In Two Mode Interference Wavelength Multiplexing Devices” Optics commun, (Netherlands), 75, pp 18 20, Feb. 1990.
  53. R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “Design Of A 4×4 Fiber Coupler With Equal Power Splitting At Two Different Wavelengths” Optics Communications, (Netherlands) 81, pp.167 170 (Feb.1991).
  54. Saeed Pilaver, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar, “Analysis Of Dual Metal Coated In Line Fiber Optic Polarizer”J. Opt. Communications (W Germany) 12, pp.22 25, 1991.
  55. Saeed Pilevar, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarajan, “Polarisation Characteristics Of A Metal Clad Elliptic Core Fiber Polarizer” Optics Communications (Netherlands) 83, pp.31 34 (1991).
  56. Saeed Ghadirli, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar, “Band Stop Filter Characteristics Of Non Identical Waveguides Directional Couplers : A Comparison Of Three Methods” Optics Communications (Netherlands), 84, pp 144 148,July 1991.
  57. Saeed Ghadirli, Arun Kumar, and K.Thyagarajan, “Design Considerations Of A Dual Mode/Single Mode Waveguide Modal Filter” Int. Journal of Optoelectronics (UK) 7, pp.409 415 (1992).
  58. Arun Kumar, Saeed Ghadirli and K. Thyagarajan, “Performance Of A Dual Mode/Single Mode Waveguide Coupler As A Modal Filter”Applied Optics (USA), 31, pp.5092 5095 (August 1992).
  59. Arun Kumar, R.K. Varshney and Saeed Ghadirli, “Highly Selective Lp01 Mode Coupler/Filter For Dual Mode Elliptical Core Fibers” Int. Journal of Optoelectronics (UK), 8, pp 375 383 (1993).
  60. Arun Kumar and R. L. Gallawa, “Bending Induced Phase Shifts In Dual Mode Planar Optical Waveguides,” Optics Letters, 18, pp.1415 1417 , September 1993.
  61. R.L. Gallawa, Arun Kumar, and A. Weisshaar, “Fiber Splice Loss : A Simple Method Of Calculations”, Opt. and Quant. Electronics (UK), 26, S167 S172, Mar. 1994.
  62. Arun Kumar, R. L. Gallawa and I. C. Goyal, “Modal Characteristics Of Bent Dual Mode Planar Optical Waveguides,” J. Lightwave Technol. (USA), 12, pp.621 624 (April 1994).
  63. Arun Kumar, and R.L. Gallawa, “Bent Rectangular Core Waveguides : An Accurate Perturbation Approach” Microwave and Optical Technol. Letters (USA), 7, pp 281 285 (April 1994).
  64. Arun Kumar, and R. L. Gallawa, “Bending Induced Loss In Dual Mode Rectangular Waveguides” Optics Letters (USA), 19, pp707 709 (May 1994).
  65. Arun Kumar, R.K. Varshney, and Saeed Pilevar, “Coupling Characteristics of a Twin High Elliptic Core Fiber Optic Polarisation Beam Splitter”Int. Journal of Optoelectronics (UK), 9, 297, Jul Aug 1994.
  66. Arun Kumar, R. Jindal Åand R.L. Gallawa, “Bending Induced Phase Shifts In Arbitrarily Bent Rectangular Core Dual Mode Waveguides”J. Lightwave Technol., (USA), 9149, 196 201 (Feb. 1996).
  67. K. Thyagarajan, Minu Vaya and Arun Kumar, “Coupled Mode Analysis To Study Cascading In Qpm Cerenkov Regime In Waveguides” Optics Commun., (Netherlands) 140, 316 322 (Aug.1997).
  68. Rajeev Jindal and Arun Kumar, “On The Zero Bending Induced Phase Shift In A Dual Mode Rectangular/Elliptical Core Waveguide” Optics Communications (Netherlands) 143, 15 18 (Nov. 1997).
  69. Arun Kumar, Rajeev Jindal, R.K. Varshney and R. Kashyap, “Fiber Optic Polarizer Using Resonant Tunneling Through A Multilayer Overlay” Optical Fiber Technology (USA), 3, 339-346, 1997.
  70. Rajeev Jindal and Arun Kumar, “Comprehensive Study Of The Waveguide Polariser Based On Resonant Tunneling Effect” Fiber and Integrated Optics (USA), 3, pp 299-300, 1998.
  71. Minu Vaya, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar, “Leaky Waveguide Configuration For Quasi Phase Matched Second Harmonic Generation” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 15, pp 1322 28 (1998).
  72. R Ghosh, Arun Kumar and J P Meunier, “Waveguiding Properties Of Holey Fibers And Effective-V Model,” Electronics Letters (UK). 35, pp 1873-75, 1999.
  73. Arun Kumar, R Jindal, R. K. Varshney and Sangeet K Sharma, “A Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based On Lp01 –Lp02 Mode Interference,” Opt. Fiber Techn. (USA), 6, pp83-90, 2000.
  74. R Ghosh, Arun Kumar, J P Meunier and E Marin, “Modal Characterestics Of Few Mode Silica-Based Photonic Crystal Fibers”Opt. and Quantum Electronics (Netherlands), 32, pp 963-970, 2000.
  75. Minu Vaya, Arun Kumar, and K Thyagarajan, “Parametric Amplification Studies In 4-Layered Qpm Leaky Waveguides” Fiber and Integrated Optics (USA), 20, pp 367-376, 2001.
  76. Minu Vaya, Arun Kumar, and K Thyagarajan, “Non-Linear Phase-Shift Studies Using Parametric Amplification In 4-Layered Qpm Leaky Waveguides Fiber and Integrated Optics (USA), 20, pp 377-384, 2001.
  77. Arun Kumar, Nitin Goel and R K Varshney, “Studies On A Few-Mode Fiber-Optic Strain Sensor Based On Lp01 –Lp02 Mode Interference,” J Lightwave Technology, 19, pp 358-362, 2001.
  78. Arun Kumar, R K Varshney, Siny Antony C and Pratha Sharma, “Transmission Characteristics Of Sms Fiber Optics Sensor Structures,” Optics Communications, (Netherlands) 219, pp 215-219 (2003).
  79. Arun Kumar, R K Varshney and Rakesh Kumar, “Sms Fiber Optic Microbend Sensor Structures: Effect Of The Modal Interference,” Optics Communications, (Netherlands) 232, pp 239-244 (2004).
  80. Arun Kumar, R K Varshney and Siny Antony C, “Coupling Characteristics Of Fiber Optic Couplers Consisting Of Two Circular Core Dual Mode Fibers” Journal of Optics, (India), 33, pp 233-240 (2004).
  81. Deepak Gupta, Arun Kumar and K. Thyagarajan, “Polarization Mode Dispersion In Single Mode Optical Fibers Due To Core Ellipticity,” Optics Communications, (Netherlands), 263, pp 36-41 (2006).
  82. Arun Kumar and Deepak Gupta, “Vector Modes Of Rectangular –Core Dielectric Waveguides: An Improved Perturbation Approach,” Optics Communications (Netherlands)274, No 2, pp327-332 (2007).
  83. Deepak Gupta, Arun Kumar, and K. Thyagarajan, “Effect Of Second-Order Polarization Mode Dispersion On The Performance Of Pmd Emulators,” Optical Engineering, 46(8), 085006 ,(August 2007).
  84. Arun Kumar and Triranjita Srivastava, “Modeling Of A Nanoscale Rectangular Hole In A Real Metal,” Opt. Lett. vol. 33, pp. 333(2008). Selected and republished online in “Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology,” vol. 17, issue 12, (2008).
  85. Arun Kumar and Triranjita Srivatava, “Performance Of Effective Index Method In The Modeling Of A Nanoscale Rectangular Apertures In A Real Metal,” Opt. Commun., vol. 281, pp. 4526 (2008).
  86. S. M. Tripathi, Arun Kumar, Emmanuel Marin and Jean-Pierre.Meunier, “Side-Polished Optical Fiber Grating Based Refractive Index Sensors Utilizing The Pure Surface Plasmon Polariton,” IEEE J Lightwave Technology, 26, pp. 1980-1985, (2008)
  87. Triranjita Srivastava andArun Kumar, “ Modal Characteristics Of Coupled Metallic Nanoscale Rectangular Apertures”Appl. Opt., vol. 48, No. 5, pp 2847-2852, (May 2009).
  88. Saurabh Mani Tripathi, Arun Kumar, Ravi K. Varshney, Y. Bala Pavan Kumar, Emmanuel Marin, and Jean-Pierre Meunier, “Strain And Temperature Sensing Characteristics Of Single-Mode-Multimode-Single-Mode Structures” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 27, pp 2348-2356 (July 2009).
  89. S. M. Tripathi, Arun Kumar, E. Marin, and J.P.Meunier, “A Novel Design For Bragg Grating Based Biochemical Sensor Using Sub-Micron Si/Sio2 Waveguides For Lab-On-A-Chip Applications” Applied Optics, vol. 48, No. 23, pp 4562- 4567 (Aug 2009) also appeared in Virtual Journal For Biomedical Optics,Vol. 4,issue 10, 2009.
  90. Triranjita Srivastava and Arun Kumar, “Propagation Characteristics Of Channel Plasmon Polaritons Supported By A Dielectric Filled Trench In A Real Metal” Journ. Appl. Phys., vol. 106, pp. 043104-1-5, (August 2009).
  91. Triranjita Srivastava and Arun Kumar, “Coupling Characteristics Of Dielectric Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides: A Simple Method Of Analysis”, Appl. Opt., vol. 48, No. 31, pp G44-G47 (November 2009).
  92. Saurabh Mani Tripathi, Emmanuel Marin, Arun Kumar, and Jean-Pierre Meunier, “Refractive Index Sensing Characteristics Of Dual Resonance Long Period Gratings In Bare And Metal-Coated D-Shaped Fibers,” Appl. Opt., vol. 48, No. 31, pp G53-G47 (November 2009) also appeared in Virtual Journal For Biomedical Optics,Vol. 4 issue 13, 2009 .
  93. Triranjita Srivastava and Arun Kumar, “Comparative Study Of Directional Couplers Utilizing Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons,” Applied Optics, vol. 49, No. 12, pp 2397-2402 (April 2010).
  94. Saurabh Mani Tripathi,Arun Kumar, Emmanuel Marin and Jean-Pierre Meunier, “Critical Wavelength In The Transmission Spectrum Of Sms Fiber Structure Employing Geo2 Doped Multimode Fiber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, No. 11, pp 799-801, (June 2010).
  95. Saurabh Mani Tripathi, Arun Kumar, Emmanuel Marin and Jean-Pierre Meunier “Highly Sensitive Miniaturized Refractive Index Sensor Based On Au-Ag Surface Gratings On A Planar Optical Waveguide,” Journ. of Lightwave Technol., vol. 28, No. 17, pp 2469-76 (Sept. 2010).
  96. Saurabh Mani Tripathi, Arun Kumar, Emmanuel Marin and Jean-Pierre Meunier, “Single-Multi-Single Mode Structure Based Band Pass/ Stop Fiber Optic Filter With Tunable Bandwidth,” Journ. of Lightwave Technol.,Vol. 28, No. 24 pp 3535-41(Dec. 2010).


Arun Kumar and A. K. Ghatak, “Polarisation of Light with Applications in Optical Fibers” Tutorial Text in Optical Engineering, Vol. TT90, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, USA, 2011.


  1. Arun Kumar, “Polarisation Maintaining Fibers and Their Applications” appeared in “Fundamentals of fiber Optic in Telecommunications and Sensing Systems,” Ed. by B.P. Pal, Pub. by John Wiley, NY and Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992 as Chapter 6, pp.126 145.
  2. Arun Kumar, K. Thyagarajan, Anurag Sharma and M.R. Shenoy, “Single and dual mode waveguide components” appeared in, “Emerging Optoelectronics Technologies and Applications,” Ed. by A. Selvarajan, K. Shenai and V.K. Tripathi, Pub. by SPIE Optical Eng. Press, USA (1993) as Chapter 9, pp.182 217.Following 3 chapters have appeared in “Fiber Optics : Through Experiments” Edited by A.K. Ghatak and M.R. Shenoy, Published by Viva Books Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 1994.
  3. Arun Kumar and R.K. Varshney, “Mode Field Diameter of a Single Mode Fiber,” Chapter 7, pp.87 94.
  4. Arun Kumar and R.K. Varshney,“V parameter of a Single Mode Fiber,” Chapter 12, pp.139 146.
  5. R.K. Varshney and Arun Kumar, “Study of a Mode Mode Fiber Optic Interferometer: Application to Temperature Sensing,” Chapter 18, pp.197 202.
  6. Arun Kumar, “Two Mode Fiber Devices in Recent Trends in Fiber Optics and Communications,” Ed. by A.K. Ghatak, B. Culshaw, V. Nagarajan and B.D. Khurana, Published by Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, (1995).Following 2 chapters have appeared in “Guided Wave Optics : Selected Topics” Edited by Anurag Sharma, Published by Viva Books Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
  7. Arun Kumar, “Polarization Effects in Single Mode Optical Fibers,” Chapter 3, pp 37-53.
  8. Arun Kumar, “Perturbation Method for Rectangular Core Waveguides and Devices,” Chapter 12, pp 193-210.


  1. B.P. Pal, K. Thyagarajan and Arun Kumar, “Characterization Of Optical Fibers For Telecommunication And Sensors, Part 1: Multimode Fibers,” International Journal of Optoelectronics (UK), 3, 45 71, Jan. Feb. 1988.
  2. K. Thyagarajan, B.P. Pal and Arun Kumar, “Characterization Of Optical Fibers For Telecommunication And Sensors,Part 2: Single Mode Fibers ,” International Journal of Optoelectronics (UK), 3, 153 176, March April 1988.

Academic Background:

  • B.Sc. from Meerut in 1970
  • M.Sc. from IIT Delhi, in 1972
  • Ph. D. from IIT Delhi, in 1976

Contact Information:
Prof. Arun Kumar 
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas,New Delhi-110016
Tel:+91-11-2659 1361 (O)