Fiber Optics Lab (MS-207)

The invention of the laser in 1960 and the fabrication of low-loss optical fibers in 1970 have led to immense growth in Research and development in the general area of Photonics. In particular, fiber optics has revolutionized the communication industry as the most attractive and viable transmission medium for wideband telecommunication, data transmission, and information transfer. This has also led to explosive growth and emergence of many new applications of fiber optics. These include a variety of fiber optic sensors, in-line guided wave components like polarizers, directional couplers, fiber gratings, fiber amplifiers, optical switches, etc. for sensing, instrumentation and optical signal processing. In addition to its tremendous technological importance, fiber optics also provides us with an excellent opportunity to demonstrate and elucidate a large number of physical concepts.


Super Continuum Source

Lasers: Diode, He-Ne, Nd-YAG

Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)

Erbium Doped FiberAmplifier (EDFA)

Splicing Machine

Dual Channel Optical Power & Energy Meter

Tunable Laser Source

Fiber Polishing Machine

Beam Profiler

Optical Spectrum Analyser

Acousto-optic Modulator

 4-channel WDM, OTDR, FBG, OADM, DSO .


Refractive Index Profile Measurement

Beat Length Measurement

Fused Fiber Coupler Fabrication

Fiber Loss Measurement

Splice Loss Measurement

Refractive Index Profile Measurement

Variable Optical attenuator

Acousto-Optic Modulatotion

Prism Coupling

Sensors based on Microbending Loss

Temperature Sensor based on Fiber Interferometer

Gain Stabilisation of EDFA

In-charge details:

Lab in charge: Prof. R. K. Varshney
Tel:+91-11-2659 1357 (O)

Mr. Vijay Kumar
Deputy Technical Officer
Tel: +91-11-26596545 or 011-26596545
Address: M.Tech(Optoelectronics) Lab, MS-207/C-2, C-3 & C-4, IIT Delhi.
